Thursday, February 17, 2011

Well it's 2011, so looks like it is about time for my once a year post. I recently read an article that quite a few Mormons have read, shared, and have an opinion about. The author described her experience as a 35 year old single Mormon virgin in an essay featured in the Times. To sum it up, she describes her downhill journey beginning after breaking down and watching "Brokeback Mountain," going to a sex shop, and finally deciding to forgo chastity and got an IUD at Planned Parenthood. When she went there was a young teenage girl whom she described as someone probably preparing to lose her virginity in the back of a car. What was so interesting was the comparisons she made between her and someone who is gay and the teenage girl. In comparison to the girl, while she was older and this girl was probably still in the midst of puberty, interestingly enough she seemed to make a comparison by explaining how she felt like a grown up in an adolescent's body. I think a comparison like that would make me stop and rethink what I was about to do. This younger girl was probably more on the immature side, wanted to be like her friends, thought she was in love, and ready for that rite of passage. The author on the other hand, well, she was in a completely different situation. She was older and probably wasn't going to have sex in the back of a Chevy. Plus she didn't feel like she fit in with society, which is a much bigger deal than feeling out of place in the cafeteria.

I've been in that Planned Parenthood waiting room, under very different circumstances. Probably the circumstances that she wanted when she was younger. But how much did she really want it? I mean honestly. For crying out loud she prayed for someone who would be really good in bed! Even if she never literally asked for one in her prayers, the Lord knew that's what she wanted. And honestly I hope she got it, because she probably didn't get anything else from it (except maybe an std or a baby, but psssh- who worries about that when losing your virginity is on the table!)

Alright, well I'm jumping to conclusions. Maybe she wasn't married but she could have been in a committed relationship, right. Doesn't mean she had a one night stand. I just wonder where that man is now, and how she felt afterwards. She must feel pretty good, no remorse. She's willing to publish it all in a book. Frankly I see her as another Elizabeth Gilbert, trying to make a dime ripping on the morals of society. You don't want to be married anymore- leave em. You don't be the lonely virgin anymore- have sex. No accountability at all. Just do what you want and get a fat royalty check in the process.

I feel no sympathy for her. I feel for those people who "get it" and just haven't "found it." People who want to save something so intimate and special for one person who they know will be a good and faithful companion for the rest of their lives. I also have sympathy for those teenagers who don't wait and do something they regret and can never take back.